Screensaver Factory Standard is a friendly program that will allow you to create your own screensavers, in a fast and easy manner, but even with lots of possibilities for edition and with no limits to your imagination. With this program, you’ll be able to create shocking screensavers starting from images, videos and flash animations. Then, you’ll be able to add music or other sound effects, add background effects, and customize the images transitions. If you want to share your screensavers with family and friends, you can create an installer to easily distribute them. It works on Windows 98, Me, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista.
You may be wondering how you can do all this stuff easily, aren’t you? Well, just in a few steps that we’ll tell you now.
Creating a project:
It’s important to create a project before you start working in your screensavers, in order to organize your work and achieve a better compilation on creation. This will allow you to have all your resources together, with the advantage that the project file will have references to all the image and multimedia files you’ve used and which will be needed on compilation.
Adding images and multimedia resources:
Using the main window you’ll be able to load images, videos, Flash animations and sound files. You can use images in JPG, BMP, PNG and GIF formats; videos in AVI, MPG and WMV formats; Flash animations in SWF format; and sound files in MP3, WAV, MID and WMA formats.
Editing images and multimedia files:
When you load an image, you’ll be able to add a legend which will be shown with the image. Also, you’ll be able to edit its size and position, add mask effects and transitions, and adjust the exposure time. For the videos, you’ll be able to edit their size and position. For the animations, besides these two items, you’ll be able to edit its duration. Finally, you’ll be able to configure your screensavers in such a way that others will be able to change the music you chose, for other music lists of their like.
Editing background:
If your images don’t display at full screen, you’ll want to edit the background on which they are shown. Screensaver Factory allows you to choose backgrounds of several colors, solids and degraded, as well as loading a background image from a file and adjust its visualization.
Creating an installer for distribution:
In order to install the screensaver in your computer, you only need to save the file you’ve edited. However, to share it with others, you’ll have to create an installer from the project which will include, not only the .scr file, but all the resources you’ve used to create the screensaver. The program will allow you to do it in few steps and easily, generating an installer that you can burn into a CD for distribution. This way, other people will only have to double-click the .exe file and follow the assistant, to start enjoying your work!
If these steps turn out to be complicated for you, do not have to worry because Screensaver Factory includes a wizard that will guide you step by step to create your screensaver easily, even when you've never done this before.